2001 Roster
Standard of Conduct
Team Rules
2001 Conditioning Schedule
Meet the Coaches

Email Me


1. Never criticize your daughter or teammates. Look for strengths, not weaknesses.

2. Learn the game: read, ask questions, attend workshops.

3. Be there, and be there on time.

4. Encourage, praise, offer constructive criticism when asked, but growth occurs through mistakes.

5. Don't be a bleacher or sideline coach.

6. Let the kids work out their own problems. (But if nothing helps, don't hesitate to talk to the coach.)

7. Make sure your child has properly fitting equipment.

8. Be a parent, not a dictator. If your child is sick, don't make her go to practice.

9. Support the sport. Catch a local college game, Breakers, Renegages (women's professional teams) or a Revolution's game.

10. Enjoy yourself. Remember, it's only a game; don't get too caught up in the competition.